Financial Benefits Inc.

Financial Benefits Inc. has been helping families and businesses make sound financial decisions for more than 40 years.
You have important decisions to make, and we’ve built a firm that specializes in helping you make them. But it’s not enough to just check them off the list; they need to be sound, solid decisions based on a plan that makes sense. That’s where our Team at Financial Benefits Inc comes in.
What We Do
• Retirement Planning
• Risk Management
• Portfolio Management
• Estate & Wealth Preservation
• Business Planning Strategies
• Education Funding
How We Do It
Above the LineTM Conversations
Our starting point is to understand what matters to you, what you want to accomplish, and why that matters. We are passionate about understanding your vision for the future and to honor that along the way. It is the root of how we identify the goals that will move you toward that vision.
Below the LineTM Design & Implementation
Our second phase is designing and implementing plans and approaches that will help our clients accomplish their goals.
Products We Offer
• Life Insurance
• Disability Income Insurance
• Long Term Care Insurance
• Investment Products offered through NYLIFE Securities
• Investment advisory services offered through Eagle Strategies
• Mutual Funds
• Deferred Compensation Plans
• SIMPLE & 401(k) Plans, IRA’s & Roth Accounts
To schedule a consult or review please contact us at toll free (800) 658-5481 or (605) 642-7747.
Please visit for more information on the products and services we offer.
- Tamara Burke and Zachary Burke are Registered Representatives offering securities through NYLIFE Securities LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Licensed Insurance Agency. Tamara Burke is affiliated as a financial adviser with Eagle Strategies LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Tamara Burke is a Member of The Nautilus Group®, a service of New York Life Insurance Company. Membership is limited exclusively to the company’s agents. New York Life, its agents, employees, and affiliates do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Clients are urged to seek the advice of their own professionals before implementing any planning strategies. Financial Benefits, Inc., is not owned or operated by New York Life or its affiliates.
330 West Illinois, Spearfish, SD 57783