Dragon Belly, LLC

The owner of Dragon Belly LLC, Brad “UB” Peterson, is a native of South Dakota. His family, The Peterson’s, have since spread to different and all parts of the USA and globally but are all true South Dakotans and can trace their lineage back to when it became a state in 1889. Peterson Farm, which “UB’s” patriarchy broke ground as farmers and ranchers, is acreage back in “eastriver” Renner, South Dakota. This corner stone serves as a reminder to the family’s past and it’s eye on their American future.
These Historic homes, Norgaard House and Rovang Place, have been picked from the families’ past Sir names and are a dedication and ode to their Norwegian heritage and culture.
“He only deserves to be remembered by posterity who treasures up and preserves the history of his ancestors.” —Edmund Burke
Rovang Place, Norgaard House, The Daning, and The Tucker Inn are a conglomerate that line the Upper Main Street Neighborhood of Historic Deadwood.
Each one of these accommodations is located in a Historic Home and have been partly maintained by property owner’s Dragon Belly, LLC and through grants provided by the city of Deadwood. With the exception of our sister property, The Tucker Inn, all properties were built in 189o. All have been fully renovated into the 21st century including Wi-Fi and Flatscreen HDTVs w/ Cable in every Suite while also keeping the original exterior of the Victorian Style known for the era.
771 Main Street, Deadwood SD 57732