Calling all K9s! We invite all dogs to compete in this exciting winter race, the K9 Keg Pull. Man’s best friend will be assigned a division based on their weight. Dogs will wear a harness attached to an appropriately sized keg to pull past the finish line. The fastest dogs in each class win!
The races will take place on Main Street by Outlaw Square. Registration is on site, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Races begin at 1 p.m.
Don’t forget to bring a harness – Each dog must have their own harness to participate in the race!
Registration fee is $15 per dog. Proceeds benefit Twin City Animal as well as Deadwood Revitalization.
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Bomgaars, Bar K-9 Indoor Dog Park, Lost Cabin, Marta’s Dog House, Jackson Dental, Deadwood Chamber, Deadwood’s Main Street Initiative
Dog Weight Classes for Fastest Dog:
- Toy/Mini Weight – under 10 pounds
- Feather Weight – 10 to 25 pounds
- Light Weight – 26 to 50 pounds
- Medium Weight – 51 to 70 pounds
- Heavy Weight – 71 to 100 pounds
- Super Duper Weight – 101 and over
Weight classes determine what size keg each dog will pull.
Additional prizes for dogs:
- Best dressed dog
- Funniest dog
- Dog tired award
- Best smile on a dog
- Best distracted dog
- Most Enthusiastic Puller
- Crowd Favorite
- Small but Mighty
- Best Post-Race Celebration
Dogs over 70 pounds are hitched to an empty half-barrel keg weighing 30 pounds, while any competitors under 20 pounds will pull a more manageable can of Budweiser. Dogs 21-50 pounds will tow a metal 64 oz growler that weighs around two pounds, and the 51-70 pound pooches haul a one-sixth barrel keg weighing in at 15 pounds.